CAYA Kinder

CAYA Kinder is held every Wednesday and Saturday for 2 to 5 year olds. Staff play with the children in English and teach them Bible stories, while parents can also stay to participate in the program.

There is no Christian education available in our area for children between 0-5 years old. Young mothers are in need of support as they often struggle with the task of raising their children. We have had numerous requests for an English childcare service like this from parents who send their children to the same kindergarten as our missionary staff.

Our aim is to create a space where kids and their parents can encounter the love of God, and find Jesus as they develop a deeper relationship with the Japan Mission team and members of the local church. This outreach integrates well with other programs, as some mothers leave their children while attending our English classes. Others sign up as an entire family to attend our English Camps – giving us another opportunity to share the Gospel.

We are excited about this outreach and feel that this will be one more way in which we will be able to sow the seed and convey the love of Christ to young families in the community. Pray that the children and parents would see Christ in us as we seek to serve them. Pray that many would be responsive to the Gospel.