Partner With Us

We are in need of people who will partner with us to reach the lost for Christ. You can help us reach the Japanese by helping us in the following ways. There are many ways you can get involved. We are eager to hear from you if you would like to help us share God’s love with those who would otherwise never hear the Gospel.


Pray for the hearts and souls of the Japanese people and for those ministering to them. Read about the various ministries the team is involved in to partner with us more specifically in prayer. Read more


Tell others in your community of this vital need for Jesus in Japan, so that they may also join God in his mission for the world. Follow our latest news and spread the word. Read more


You can make a difference by giving to churches, missions, organizations and missionaries dedicated to reaching the least reached in our world with the Gospel.

Financial gifts help fund various evangelistic projects and support workers who seek to share the Gospel. Donations also make it possible for us to publish evangelistic literature and supply many with the precious Word of God. Additional funding helps us make a greater impact in the following areas:    Donation information:

  • Bibles & Literature Ministry – Japan, China, North Korea and other countries
  • English Outreach – Drawing communities to the local church and sharing God's word.
  • Media Ministry – Helping local churches reach their communities
  • Evangelistic Activities – Camps, Children’s Ministries
  • Japanese Workers – Funding for Japanese Writers, Counselors and Evangelists


The Japanese are in need of thousands of Christians who would befriend them and share the love of Jesus with them. Join our team in serving and sharing this love with those who would otherwise never hear of their Savior. Read more



Stay up-to- date by receiving updates and prayer requests by e-mail from Japan Mission. To receive these e-mails, send your e-mail address to:


Representatives of Japan Mission travel to various countries to visit supporters and speak at meetings. David and Sue Verwey plan to visit South Africa during 2026 and the UK during 2027. Contact us by selecting the following link and filling in the online form if you would like a visit or would like to arrange meeting:

English Form for South Africa 2026 -- Deputation Meeting & Visit Request

Afrikaans Form vir Suid-Afrika 2026 -- Deputasie Byeenkoms & Besoek Versoek

Form for United Kingdom 2027 -- Deputation Meeting & Visit Request