Share The Truth
Videos and Tracts can be an effective way to share the Gospel with your friends. Use these resources to introduce them to the love, hope and joy that we have found in Christ.
Evangelistic Videos
Share these videos with your Japanese friend. These videos speak of God’s love and communicate the Gospel in a very effectively way.

Japanese Tracts
Evangelistic tracts are an effective way to share Christ. Japan is in need of tens of thousands of visitors who have a burden to share the Gospel. Please contact us and we would be glad to supply you with free evangelistic tracts -- wherever you may be visiting in Japan.

Manga Bible
Sacrifice. War. Temptation. Betrayal. Hope. Redemption.
God chose to introduce Himself to mankind, not through principles, concepts, or doctrine; but through stories of prophecy, war, mercy, judgment, miracles, death, life, and forgiveness.
This amazing book takes you through the Bible chronologically, retelling key events in an easy-to-grasp illustrated comic book format. Read English here...
この物語は何千年 も前の古い本に書かれている。 今から話すことは、信じがたい事 柄もあるかもしれないが、 すべて事実なのだ。人類とともに在って働かれ る神の物語なのである。Read Japanese here...