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Nathan Johnson

Nathan Johnson joined Japan Mission from the USA as an English outreach teacher in February 2025. He currently travels to a number of churches to help them reach their communities for Christ through English outreach. He helps with events, sharing his testimony etc… many who would not normally attend church, come to learn English and make friends with a foreigner. Each class ends with a Bible Time and a time of discussion and fellowship.


The conversion to becoming a true follower of Christ started in my late 20’s. My faith was not as grounded in the depth and understanding of choosing to be an apprentice to the teachings of Jesus. I understood a great knowledge of the word of God, but my relationship was very much in lack. I nearly walked away from my faith after finding and experiencing true evil. There is a saying that when a soul is touched by evil, it is a traumatic experience.

That experience started when it was revealed that my government was not for the people of my country. I learned in real time that the lies I was told, the service I would provide, the honor to be had, and the glory to bestowed on me as a member of the Armed Forces was not decided by the people. It was decided by the politicians and big corporate entities, to fill their pockets and to push laws and regulations to serve the powers of greed and evil.

Once I learned of this, I was ashamed, I was traumatized and felt betrayed. The calling to serve was in the service of corruption and fear. These characteristics lead to the sin of greed, which leads to darkness and evil. I doubted that there was any good left in the world, therefore, why be burdened by a God and a man that says not to do these things, because they are of the world. I did not understand at that time. My heart was shallow in thought and understanding. I did declare my rage at God,” Why God do you allow those who follow you to suffer and those who do evil get ahead?”  For a few years, I was only dedicated to pursuing my desires. I did not care about the damage I left behind. I damaged many people, including a fiancé. She was the right woman, and I did not see it. I ruined our relationship all because I wanted more. I wanted the things of this world.

Now in my early 30’s. I had a breakthrough on my faith. That moved me from being cold. Then to now, I am pursuing the love and practices of the Father. This conversion came at the reckoning of my nephew. I looked at him and saw that I had nothing to give with my pursuits.

Sure, I could have been the cool uncle, but that’s not what my nephew needed. My nephew needed family. After this revelation that I needed to sacrifice time to be in relationship with him. That’s when I found out.

It became clear as day. This is the same kind of love that the Father has for me. He spends his time pursuing me. He comes to be in a relationship with me. He wants me to be part of his life. His kingdom. All he asks is to have a relationship with him, the son, and the Holy Spirit. To honor the call and serve the kingdom. After reading 1 John 2: 16-17, the explosion in my mind was enormous. I thought to myself, “What are you doing? What are you thinking? These desires of mine are not of the Father, they are of the world.” I broke down and cried. I knelt down on my knees. My face is on the floor. My eyes swelling with tears. I declared my surrender of myself. I cried for grace and forgiveness. How much of a fool I was to ignore a love that is overwhelming.

I then prayed for the Holy Spirit to come and fill my heart. Forgive me and give me the peace I seek. Forgive me and show me the path I should follow. I then felt filled. Filled by love, peace, and joy. The Father said in love, follow me and I will show you a life worth living. A life of relationships, of purpose, and of joy. For these are the treasures of the the Father’s world and of the Kingdom. Ever since, I have dedicated myself to serving the church at all capacities possible. To where I am today. Serving my church and building relationships in the community.

This is now my call to action. My call to give 100% everyday, because Jesus gave 100% everyday and more. He died for me, not by guilt, shame, or force. By love. John 15:13 is my call to serve. “There is no greater love than for he who lays down his life for his friends.” I go forth to be his champion! I wear the armor of God. To go and bring the truth. The truth of a loving relationship with the Father. The creator of Heaven and Earth!