Our Team

Japan Mission (JM) has about 50 people in its family of workers, of which 30 minister in Japan, Philippines, Thailand and India. 20 OVERSEAS REPRESENTATIVES (mostly volunteers) play a crucial role in helping JM stay in contact with supporters and prayer partners in Australia, Canada, UK, USA and South Africa. PRAY that God would guide, protect, grant wisdom and provide the resources as we work together with many to accomplish His task.

Administrative Team

Faithful co-workers play a vital role in the success of the Mission’s efforts through evangelism, counseling, Bible study, correspondence, literature, legal and financial work. PRAY for God’s leading, protection and discernment.

Select this link for a Hi-Res photo of David and Sue David and Sue were both raised in Japan as …Read more  »
Hi-resolution photo of Alex & Eri Verwey here. Alex grew up as a missionary kid in Japan, and married Eri …Read more  »
  Renata Rossouw is from South Africa and joined Japan Mission in Sept 2011. Renata’s work with Japan Mission is …Read more  »
The Lord provided JM with a dedicated and well-qualified Japanese worker in Misa Shepard. She is a bilingual worker who is of …Read more  »
Mrs. Makiko Tanaka started working for Japan Mission in 2019. She plays a vital role in the office and helps …Read more  »

English Evangelism Outreach

Mission workers minister by teaching the Bible and English to about 250 students in 20 different evangelistic churches. PRAY for the students, workers and churches.

  Renata Rossouw is from South Africa and joined Japan Mission in Sept 2011. Renata’s work with Japan Mission is …Read more  »
Lindie Kleinhans joined Japan Mission from South Africa as an English Evangelism Teacher in September 2018. She now travels to …Read more  »
My name is Josephine Aragon. I’m from the Philippines and I joined the JM team in April 2019, and I’m …Read more  »
Callum Kyllonen joined Japan Mission from Canada as an English Evangelism Teacher in January 2024. He currently travels to a …Read more  »
Edward Zimmerman joined Japan Mission from the South Africa in March 2022. Testimony of my faith I was born in …Read more  »
Alison Quinlan joined Japan Mission from England in April 2022. Calling to Japan: Alison first received the call to mission …Read more  »
Ed & Toby Thomas: Our call to serve with Japan Mission We met at church in Conroe, Texas, USA after …Read more  »
Nathan Johnson joined Japan Mission from the USA as an English outreach teacher in February 2025. He currently travels to …Read more  »

Media Ministry

Many assume that because Japan is technologically advanced, that the Japanese church would also be generally effective in their use of media. Unfortunately, most Japanese churches struggle to maintain engaging websites and don't have a welcome video for newcomers because they lack the resources or know-how to develop these tools.

This are of ministry is coordinated by Alex Verwey in partnership with local Christian free-lance tech workers and other gifted members of the community.

Creative Ministries

Many message CDs and Christian DVDs are being produced and distributed. JM also works in cooperation with various organizations to spread the Gospel through Christian Radio and TV Broadcasts. PRAY for the millions of people who are reached with the Gospel.

Mr. and Mrs. Takahara were both saved through the JM Hospital Evangelism Ministry and joined JM — he in 1964 …Read more  »

Student & International Schools Outreach

Japan Mission is involved in the ministry of two Christian schools. PRAY for the students, staff and the provision of well-qualified teachers with hearts to see souls saved. Workers serving as Board Members:

Renata Rossouw is from South Africa and joined Japan Mission in Sept 2011. Renata’s work with Japan Mission is quite …Read more  »
David has been asked to speak at various evangelistic opportunities, serve as board member of Christian organizations and also served …Read more  »

Bibles & Literature Ministries

Bibles and evangelistic literature are being distributed throughout Japan. Bibles are also distributed in China, Russia and other countries, in co-operation with various individuals and organizations. PRAY for the printers, network of couriers and many believers who have yet to receive their first Bible.
FOUNTAIN OF JOY TRACT – Japan Mission publishes and distributes a new evangelistic tract each month. PRAY that the writers and editors would be inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Mr. and Mrs. Tamada continue to help Japan Mission with the writing and editing of the Fountain of Joy – a monthly evangelistic tract. Select …Read more  »
Mr. Hiroyuki Kodama has authored a number of Christian books and continues to write a monthly column for the Fountain …Read more  »
Column on Family Related Issues

Associate Members

Associate members are very effective Christian workers who are sponsored by Japan Mission:

While serving with Japan Mission, Keiko was clearly guided to minister to the poor and decided to attend seminary. One …Read more  »
  The Lord called Dr. Kiichi Ariga to become a full-time evangelist. He now goes around proclaiming the cure for Japan: 1) …Read more  »


Team members of Japan Mission have had the privilege of serving and advising a wide range of Christian organizations. The prayers and support of many have made it possible for our workers to play this vital role. The following are some of the types of organizations in which team members have had the privilege of serving actively over the past few years:

  • Christian Media, TV & Radio Organizations – Board membership & advisory capacity
  • International Schools, Bible Schools & Seminaries – Board membership & advisory capacity
  • Mission Boards & Churches – Board membership & advisory capacity